I am studying Processwork.
It isn’t as easy or as simple as I had thought it might be!
a monk of St Benedict's Abbey, Ealing, London
I am studying Processwork.
It isn’t as easy or as simple as I had thought it might be!
I made a garden for God.
No, do not misunderstand me
It was not on some lovely estate
or even in a pretty suburb.
I made a garden for God
in the slum of my heart:
a sunless space between grimy walls
the reek of cabbage water in the air
refuse strewn on the cracked asphalt -
the ground of my garden!
This was where I laboured
night and day
over the long years
in dismal smog and cold -
there was nothing to show for my toil.
Like a child I could have pretended:
my slum transformed...
an oasis of flowers and graceful trees
how pleasant to work in such a garden!
I could have lost heart
and neglected my garden
to do something else for God.
But I was making a garden for God
not for myself
for his delight not mine
and so I worked on in the slum of my heart.
Was he concerned with my garden?
Did he see my labour and tears?
I never saw him looking
never felt him there
Yet I knew (though it felt as if I did not know)
that he was there with me
He has come into his garden
Is it beautiful at last?
Are there flowers and perfumes?
I do not know
the garden is not mine but his -
God asked only for my little space
to be prepared and given.
This is 'garden' for him
and my joy is full.
-from "To Believe in Jesus" by Ruth Burrows
I have been a phase 1 Process work student
Being grateful for Summer, the resting and rising, the decay and the dying of old ways, for rest and celebration with friends and family and peers, with the sun and air, rain and earth. Being thankful is a great gift to receive, enjoy and share.
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