London Spring is the umbrella name for an initiative at 74 Castlebar Road begun in 2017.
The name London Spring calls to mind the spring of water that bubbles beneath the property.
It also evokes memories of the Prague Spring in 1968, the Arab Spring in 2011 and the world wide hope for a deeper democracy. We have a dream for such events to take place in this underused and partially restored property. We want to create a “dense spot”, perhaps for just a short time. Here people from many different backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities can meet in a Worldwork sort of way.
London Spring 2018
London Spring 2017
The purpose is to look at experiences of social isolation and fragmentation in the culture of the London we love. Together we have lots of contacts with people of faith, no faith and with social activists.
74 Castlebar Road, W5
Overton House on Castlebar Road is an elegant red-brick, neo-Gothic house. This typically Victorian suburban house contains 19th century stained glass, floor tiles, and carved wood features. A short walk through the monastery gardens behind Ealing Abbey monastery and Church leads to this charming spot.
This charming building houses a number of activites that translate Catholic and Benedictine values into language and expressions more accessible to post Christian generations. One of the interpretive tools we have used for some time is toolkit of ‘human strengths’ of the Eriksonian system of psychology; trust, hope, overcoming obstacles, competence, fidelity and love.
Ealing Abbey JL 30 September 2018