
Publications to date:        monographs          edited books


[1] S.L.D. thesis:  Dom Gregory Dix: An Anglican Liturgist of the Roman Rite: An Introduction to the Liturgical Writings of Dom Gregory Dix on Christian Initiation and the Eucharistic Prayer. Pontificio Istituto Liturgico, Roma.


Editor or contributor to books


[EC7] Edited book:  The Easter Vigil Becoming Christians, ed. D.P. McCarthy – J.G. Leachman , (« DREI » series Liturgiam aestimare 2), St Michael’s Abbey Press,
Farnborough 2014. ISBN 13: 978-0-907077-64-0, £29,95. 2014, 388pp.


[EC6] Edited book:  Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology, ed. J.G. Leachman –D.P. McCarthy, (« DREI » series Liturgiam aestimare 1), St Michael’s Abbey Press,
Farnborough 2008. ISBN 13: 978-03340-4128-3, £22,95. 2008

[EC5] Edited book: The Liturgical Subject: Subject, subjectivity, and the human person in contemporary liturgical discussion and critique, ed. J.G. Leachman (Faith in Reason: Philosophical Enquiries 7), ISBN 13: 978-03340-4128-3, £50,00. SCM, London 2008; ISBN 13: 978-0-268-03410-8  $38,00. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame IN 2008.

[EC5] Contributions: 72 liturgical commentaries in The New CTS Catholic Bible,
CTS, London 2007.

[EC4] = [A45]  Article in book: «The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Catechumenal Preparation
for Baptism in OICA, » in Spiritus spiritalia nobis dona potenter infundit,
(Studia Anselmiana 139), Roma: Centro Studi Sant’Anselmo 2006, 277-292.

[EC3] Entry in: Orbis Liturgica: Who’s Who in Contemporary Liturgical Studies,
Repertorium peritorum nostrae aetatis in re liturgica. CLV, Edizioni Liturgiche
Roma, 1995.1985

[EC2] Contribution: Faith in the City, A Call to Action by Church and Nation Church of
England Report, Church Information Office (London: Church House Publishing, [1985]  393.

[EC1] Introduction to: A City not Forsaken: The Rule of Life of  the Monks and Nuns of
Jerusalem, (DLT, London 1983).