[R64.] Review:
[R64.] Review:
[R64.] Review:
[R63] Review: A. Garcia-Rivera – T. Scirghi, Living Beauty: the Art of Liturgy, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham MA 2008, The Tablet, 21 February 2009, 30. 1997
[R62] Review: Un Popolo di Sacerdoti: Introduzione alla Liturgia, Stefano Rossi, Elle di Ci, Leuman TO 2007, 470pp. ISBN 978-88-01-03523-0 €42,99, Ecclesia Orans 25 (2008) 100-101.
[R61] Review: David Wright, Infant Baptism in Historical Perspective (Studies in Christian History and Thought), Paternoster Press, Milton Keynes, 2007, ISBN 978-1-84227-464-4, £29.99, Ecclesia Orans 25 (2008) 98-100.
[R60] Review: Patricia Meldrum, Conscience and Compromise: Forgotten Evangelicals of Nineteenth-century Scotland, (Studies in Evangelical History and Thought) Paternoster Press, Milton Keynes, 2006, ISBN 978-84227-421-7, £29.99, Ecclesia Orans 25 (2008) 97-98.
[R59] Review: A Challenging Reform: Realising the Vision of the Liturgical Renewal, 1963-1975, Piero Marini, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville MN 2007, The Tablet, 22 March 2008, 35. (1000092)
[R58] Liturgical Theology: The Church as worshipping Community, S. Chan, [IVP Academic] Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove IL 2006, ISBN 13: 978-0-8308-2763-3, ISBN 10: 0-8308-2763-3, 166 pp., $np. Ecclesia Orans 24 (2007) 351-352.
[R57] Let us Pray: A Guide to the Rubrics of Sunday Mass, P. Turner, [A Pueblo Book] The Liturgical Press, Collegeville MN 2006, xii+170 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-8146-6213-7, ISBN 10: 0-8146-6213-7, $23,95. Ecclesia Orans 24 (2007) 352-354.
[R56] Review: R. M. Thompson, Baptism, Church and Society in Modern Britain from the Evangelical Revival to Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry, [Studies in Christian History and Thought], Paternoster Press, Milton Keynes UK – Waynesboro GA 2006, ISBN 1-84227-393-0 £19.99. Ecclesia Orans 24 (2007) 270-271.
[R55] Review: In Breaking of Bread: The Eucharist and Ritual, P. J. FitzPatrick, CUP, Cambridge UK 2006 (pbk), XXIII—407 pp., ISBN 0-521-02733-0 £35,00, US $ 60.00. Ecclesia Orans 24 (2007) 268-270.
[R54] Review: Rites of Ordination and Commitment in the Churches of the Nordic Countries:Theology and Terminology. ed. Hans Raun Iverson, Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 2006, ISBN 87-635-0265-8, DKK 395, $72, £40, Ecclesia Orans 24 (2007) 129-130.
[R53] Review: Augustinus Sander, Ordinatio Apostolica, Studien zu Ordinationstheologie des 16. Jahrhunderts, Band I: Georg III. Von Anhalt (1507-1553) (Innsbrucker theologischer Studien 65), Tyrolia, Innsbruck 2004, ISBN 3-7022-2579-X, €34,00, Ecclesia Orans 24 (2007) 128-129.
[R52] Review: The Shape of the Liturgy. Republished with new introduction by Simon Jones, Continuum, London-New York 2005, ISBN 0-8264-7942-1, £35, Ecclesia Orans 23 (2006), 263-267.
[R51] Review: Fabio Giardini, Il desiderio del Paradiso nella vita cristiana,
Angelicum University Press, Roma 2003, ISBN 88-88660-02-X, €16,00,
Ecclesia Orans 23 (2006) 132-133.
[R50] Review: J. C. D. Fisher, Christian Initiation: Baptism in the Medieval West, [Hillenbrand Books] Chicago-Mundelein 2004, XVI-220 pp., ISBN 1-59525-0018, US$24.00; Ecclesia Orans 23 (2006) 135.
[R49] Review: Pietà popolare e Liturgia: Teologia-Spiritualità-Catechesi-Cultura. Monumenta Studia Instrumenta Liturgica 35, ed. Manlio Sodi – Giuseppe de la Torre, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, 2004, pp.xxviii + 383, ISBN 88-209-7209-9 €22,00, Ecclesia Orans 23 (2006) 133-135.
[R48] Review: The Methodist Worship Book, Methodist Publishing House, Peterborough 1999, 85 pp. ISBN 1-85852-116 5, £15.00. Ecclesia Orans 23 (2006) 402-405.
[R47] Review: Shawn Madigan, Liturgical Spirituality and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, [Forum Essays] LTP- North American Forum for the Catechumenate, Chicago 1997, 85 pp. ISBN 0-929650-80 8 $6.00. Ecclesia Orans 2 (2004) 401-402.
[R46] Review: Ecologia e Liturgia, [Caro Salutis Cardo 19] ed. Aldo Natale Terrin, Edizioni Messaggero Padova, Padova 2003, 140 pp., ISBN 88-250-1381-7, €21. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 399-340.
[R45] Review: Nathan Mitchell, Eucharist as Sacrament of Initiation, [Forum Essays] LTP- North American Forum for the Catechumenate, Chicago 2003, 1994, 154 pp. ISBN 0-929650-81 6 $15.00. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 398-399.
[R44] Review: Bernard Lang, Sacred Games: A History of Christian Worship.
Yale U.P., New Haven & London: 1997. pp. 444 ISBN 0-300-06932 4, £30.00,
Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 396-397.
[R43] Review: Graham Hughes, Worship as Meaning: A Liturgical Theology for Late Modernity, CUP, [Cambridge Studies in Christian Doctrine] Cambridge 2003, 320 pp. ISBN 0-521-53557 3 £17.94. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 394-396.
[R42] Review: James D. Crichton, Lights in the Darkness: Forerunners of the
Liturgical Movement, Columba Press, Blackrock, Co Dublin 1996.176 pp. ISBN 1-85607-152 9. €12,99 £8,99. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 257-258.
[R41] Review: The Book of Divine Worship The Book of Divine Worship: Being
Elements of the Book of Common Prayer revised and adapted according to the Roman Rite for use by Roman Catholics coming from the Anglican Tradition, Newman House Press, Mt Pocono PA 2003. 974 pp., ISBN 0-9704022-6-0, $25,00. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 254-257.
[R40] Review: Paul P. Sheppy, Death Liturgy and Ritual. vol 1 A Pastoral and
Liturgical Theology. [Liturgy, Worship & Society Series] Ashgate Press,
Aldershot UK-Burlington VT 2004, 140 pp., ISBN 0-7546-0580-9, £15.99.
vol. 2, A Commentary on Liturgical Texts. Paul P. Sheppy, ….., 2004, 208 pp.,
ISBN 0-7546-3900-2, £15.99. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 253-254.
[R39] Review: Anglicanism and the Western Christian Tradition: continuity, change
and the search for communion, ed. Stephen Platten, Canterbury Press, Norwich
2003, 266 pp., ISBN I-85311-559-2, £19.99. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 252-253. 558 pp., ISBN 88-465-0224-8, €22. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004), 246-247.
[R38] Review: L’idea di sacrificio. Un approccio di teologia liturgica, ed. E. Mazza, [Scienze religiose. Nuova serie 5] EDB, Bologna 2002, 154 pp., ISBN 88-10-40381-9, €11. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 251-251.
[R37] Review: Dynamic Equivalence. The Living Language of Christian Worship,
Keith F. Pecklers, et al., [A Pueblo Book] The Liturgical Press, Collegeville MN
2003, pages xxi + 238. ISBN 0-8146-6191-2. $29.99. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 247-250.
[R36] Review: La saveur de Dieu. L’acédie dans le dynamisme de l’agir, Jean-Charles Nault, [Studi e Ricerche 5] Lateran University Press, Roma 2002,
[R35] Review: Evangelicals Embattled. Responses of Evangelicals in the Church of England to Ritualism, Darwinism and Theological Liberalism 1890-1930. by Martin Wellings, [Studies in Evangelical History and Thought] Paternoster Press, Carlisle, UK / Waynesboro, GA 2003., 352 + xvi pp., ISBN 1-84227-049-4, £24, 99. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 125-126.
[R34] Review: Worship. by Keith P. Pecklers, [New Century Theology] Continuum, London – New York 2003, pages vi + 234. ISBN 0-8264-6856-X. $24.95, £12.99. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 124-125.
[R33] Review: A Fragile Unity. Anti-Ritualism and the Division of Anglican
Evangelicalism in the Nineteenth Century, by James Whisenant, [Studies in
Evangelical History and Thought] Paternoster Press, Carlisle, UK/ Waynesboro, GA 2003,
352 + xvi pp., ISBN 1-84227-105-9, £29.99. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 122-123.
[R32] Review: Liturgy and Muse: The Eucharistic Prayer. ed. A. Vernooij
[Liturgia condenda 14], Peeters, Leuven – Paris – Dudley, MA 2002,
162 pp., ISBN 90-429-1175-1, €30. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 121-122.
[R31] Review: Treasures from the Storeroom: Medieval Religion and the Eucharist.
by Gary Macy, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville MN 1999, xxi +201 pp.,
ISBN 0-8146-6053-3, $24.95. Ecclesia Orans 21 (2004) 120-121.
[R20] Review: Actuosa Participatio. Conoscere, comprendere e vivere la Liturgia, [Monumenta Studia Instrumenta Liturgica 18], Studi in onore del Prof. Domenico Sartore csj. a cura di Agostino Montan – Manlio Sodi, ISBN 88-209-7265-4 Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, 2002 xxxix + 645 pp. €38,00. Ecclesia Orans 20 (2003) 173-177.
[R21] Review: Our Lady in the Liturgy. J. D. Crichton, Columba, Blackrock: 1997. Ecclesia Orans 20 (2003) 177-178.
[R22] Review: Il sacerdozio dei fedeli secondo San Beda. Un itinerario di maturità cristiana. Monumenta Studia Instrumenta Liturgica 16, Giovanni Caputa, ISBN 88-209-7268-9, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, 2002, vii + 326 pp. €18,00 Ecclesia Orans 20 (2003) 294-297.
[R23] Review: Worship in the Spirit: Charismatic Worship in the Church of England. Studies in Evangelical History and Thought. by James H. S. Seven, Paternoster, Carlisle, UK/ Waynesboro, GA 2002. xvi + 237 pp. ISBN 1-84227-103-2 £19.99. $29.99 Ecclesia Orans 20 (2003) 297-298.
[R24] Review: Exploring Music as Worship and Theology, Mary McGann, Paternoster, Carlisle, UK/Waynesboro, GA 2002. 81pp. ISBN 1-84227-103-2, £19.99, $29.95. Ecclesia Orans 20 (2003) 299-300.
[R25] Review: Liturgy in a Postmodern World, ed. Keith F. Pecklers. Continuum,
London – New York 2003, viii + 215 pp. ISBN 0-8264-6412-2, £14.99, $29.99. Ecclesia Orans 20 – 2003/2 300-304.
[R26] Review: The Priestly Office: A Theological Reflection. by Avery Dulles. Paulist, NY, Mahwah, NJ.: 1997, vii + 72 pp., ISBN 0-8091-3716-X, $7.95. Ecclesia Orans 20 – 2003/3 420.
[R27] Review: Hymn of Freedom: Celebrating the Eucharist. by Michael Gaudoin-
Parker. T&T Clark, Edinburgh 1997, 180pp., ISBN 0-567-08549-X, £12.95.
Ecclesia Orans 20 – 2003/3 421.
[R28] Review: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh: An Introduction to Eastern Christian Spirituality. by George A. Maloney. Crossroad, New York 1997. 178 pp.; ISBN 0-8245-1616-8, $16.95 £15.00. Ecclesia Orans 20 – 2003/3 422.
[R29] Review, Liturgia e Spiritualità, Profilo storico. Caro salutis cardo / Sussidi, 4, Lorenzo Artuso, ISBN 88-250-1180-6 Messaggero Padova, Padova 2002, 173 pp., €15,50. Ecclesia Orans 20 – 2003/3 423-424.
[R30] Review: Concordantia et Indices Missalis Romanae. Editio typica tertia,
ed. Manlio Sodi – Alessandro Toniolo [MSIL 23], Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, 2002, xvi-1964 pp., ISBN 88-209-7353-7, €82,00. Ecclesia Orans 20 (2003) 424-425.
[R12] Review: The Gift of the Church: A Textbook on Ecclesiology in Honor of Fr Patrick Granfield O.S.B. (ed.) Peter C. Phan, (A Michael Glazier Book) Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MI: 2000 $39.95, ISBN 0-8146-5931-4. Ecclesia Orans 19 (2002) 333-335.
[R13] Review: Clashing Symbols: An Introduction to Faith and Culture. Michael Paul Gallagher SJ. DLT, London 1997. 154pp. £8.95. Ecclesia Orans 19 (2002) 336-337.
[R14] Review: The Glenstal Book of Icons. Praying with the Glenstal Icons, Gregory Collins OSB, The Columba Press: 2002. €14.99/ £9.99 144pp. ISBN 1-85607-362-9.Independent Catholic News Service, October 1 2002
[R15] Review: Worship with One Accord: Where Liturgy and Ecumenism Embrace, by Geoffrey Wainwright. Oxford University Press/OUP USA 1997. pp.ix+276. Ecclesia Orans 19 – 2002/2 338-339.
[R16] Review: Imaging the Catholic Church: Structured Communion in the Spirit. Ghislain Lafont. Eng tr. of Imaginer l’Église catholique, 1995. by John J. Burkhard, O.F.M. Conv., Michael Glazier Book, Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MI 2000. Ecclesia Orans 19 – 2002/2 XIX 339-341.
[R17.] Review: Rule of Prayer, Rule of Faith: Essays in Honour of Aidan Kavanagh, O.S.B. editors: Nathan Mitchell, John F. Baldovin. Liturgical Press, Collegeville MN 1996. pp. 342, Ecclesia Orans 19 (2002) 441-442.
[R18] Review: Holy, Holy, Holy: Worshipping the Trinitarian God, Christopher Cocksworth, DLT, London 1997, pp 217 in Ecclesia Orans 19 (2002) 450-451.
[R19] Review: They Shaped our Worship: Essays on Anglican Liturgists, ed. Christopher Irvine. SPCK, London 1998, pp 160 Ecclesia Orans 19 – 2002/3 451-452.
[R11] Review: Let Justice Sing, Liturgy 22 October 1999. 23-24.
[R10] Review with Elizabeth Tanner: An American Abbot: Boniface Wimmer, O.S.B., 1809-1887. revised edition. by Jerome Oetgen. CUAP, Washington D.C.: 1997, 407p.; no price given HeyJ 40 (1999) 517-518.
[R9] Review: A Human Search: Bede Griffiths Reflects on his Life. edited by John Swindells. Burns & Oates, London/ Triumph, Liguori, MS: 1997. 163pp.; £8.95 HeyJ 40 (1999) 119.
[R8] Review with Pamela Taor: Mary in the Christian Tradition: from a Contemporary Perspective. Sr. Kathleen Coyle, Gracewing, Leominster: 1997. 117pp.; £7.99 HeyJ 40 (1999) 115.
[R7] Short notice: Benedictines in Oxford. edited by Henry Wansbrough and Anthony Marett-Crosby; published by DLT: 1998: 277pp. HeyJ 39 (1998) 489.
[R6] Review: Death, Ritual and Belief. Douglas J. Davies. Cassell, London & Washington 1997, HeyJ 39 (1998) …
[R5] Review: Rites of Justice: The Sacraments and Liturgy as Ethical Imperatives. Megan McKenna. Orbis Books, Maryknoll, NY: 1997. 237pp.; HeyJ 39 (1998) 354-355
[R4] Review: The Day Has Come! Easter and Baptism in Zeno of Verona. Alcuin Club Collection 73. Gordon P. Jeanes. Liturgical Press, Collegeville MS 1995. 260pp. HeyJ 39 (1998) 352-353
[R3] Short notice: Dying to be One. English Ecumenism: History, The Present and
the Future. by David Butler; SCM; 1996. 205 pp. HeyJ 39 (1998) 234-235
[R2] Review: with K. Matveev: Russian Religious Thought. edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt and David. F. Gustafson. published by The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1996: 255pp. HeyJ 38 (1997) 449
[R1] Review: A Tactful God: Gregory Dix, Priest, Monk and Scholar. by Simon Bailey; Gracewing, Leominster: 1995: 268pp. HeyJ 38 (1997) 320-322