

2018 forthcoming

Leachman, J.G., “Processwork and the Rebuilding of Communion: Recovering forgotten community aspects of Sacrosanctum concilium”, Concluding commentary of The Letter and the Spirit: On the Forgotten Documents of Vatican II, ed. A. Mayer (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 297), Peeters, Leuven 2018  267-281.

2017 forthcoming

Leachman, J.G., “Liturgy and Sacramentality: First Perspectives from Process Oriented Psychology”, given on 9 August 2017 at the 26th congress of Societas Liturgica entitled Symbol of What We Are: Liturgical Perspectives on Sacramentality, held at KU Leuven, Belgium, 8-13 August, Studia Liturgica (2017/2) 114-133.


85 Article minoris momenti: “Mass Movements,” The Tablet, 22 March 2015, 16.


84 [A64.] “Different Models of Monastic Liturgy and their Effect on Worshippers”, Questions LiturgiquesStudies in Liturgy 93 (2012) 51-73.

83 [A63.] J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy, “The Maturing of the Liturgical Movement in England and Wales: James Crichton Memorial Lecture 2010, (2)”, Music and Liturgy 37:2 (2012) xx-xx.


82 Article minoris momenti: “The Need for Liturgical Education and Formation”, The Benedictine Yearbook, EBC Ltd, Buckfastleigh 2011, 36-39.81

81 Article minoris momenti: “Divining the Holy Spirit,” (Parish Practice), The Tablet, 18 June 2011, 16.

80 Article minoris momenti:  “Led to New Life”, The Tablet, 9 April 2011, 14.

79 Article minoris momenti:  “About to be Reborn”, The Tablet, 2 April 2011, 14.

78 Article minoris momenti:  “Kindling of Love”, The Tablet, 26 March 2011, 14.

77 [A62.] Article: “A Liturgical Study of the proper prayers for St Charles of St Andrew Houben, C.P.”, Słowo Krzyża 4 (Verbum Crucis) (end of March) = J.G. Leachman –
D.P. McCarthy Questions Liturgiques 92 (2011) 28-44

77. [A67.] “The Maturing of the Liturgical Movement in England and Wales”, J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy, Music and Liturgy 36/3 (2011) xx-xx.


76 [A61.] Article: « The Recovery and Reintroduction of Holy Week Rites in the Church of England: an example of “differentiated liturgical renewal” » (given at Societas Liturgica, Reims 10 August 2011), Ecclesia Orans 29 (2010) xxx-xxx.

75. [A60] Rationales for Teaching and Studying Liturgy, ed. D.P. McCarthy – J.G. Leachman (Benedictine Culture 4), Ealing Abbey Scriptorium, London 2010.

74 Article minoris momenti: “Words made Flesh” (Parish Practice), The Tablet, 6 November 2010, 18.

73 [A59] “A Project and A Proposal: The project, Appreciating the Liturgy, and a Proposed Liturgical Institute”, Music and Liturgy 36/1 (2010) 16-18.

72 Article minoris momenti:  “Cast out Your Nets”, The Tablet, 2 October 2010, 4-5.

71 Article minoris momenti:  “One with Us” (Parish Practice), The Tablet, 10 April 2010, 17.

70 Article minoris momenti: “Raise up the Word” (Parish Practice), The Tablet, 20 February 2010, 19.

69 Article minoris momenti: “Make a Gift of your Ministry” (Parish Practice), The Tablet, 2 January 2010, 18.


68 [A58] Across the Fence: The Correspondence Between Maurice Bévenot, SJ and Gregory Dix, OSB, six articles edited from research by Peter Hebblethwaite (1930-1994), Sewanee Theological Review 53:1 (2009) 9-77.

67 Article minoris momenti: « Assembled as One » (Parish Practice), The Tablet, 4 September 2009, 18.

66 Article minoris momenti: « Unifying Fruit » (Listen to the Word), The Tablet, 7 February 2009, 17.

65 [A57] Article: « A New Liturgical Hermeneutic: Human Growth in Faith », New Blackfriars 90 (2009) 219-231.


64 [A56] Article: « The Easter Vigil Collect », in Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology, ed. J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy, (« DREI » series Liturgiam aestimare 1), St Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough  2008, 105-134.

63 [A55] Article, « The History of Collect Studies », in Appreciating the Collect:
An Irenic Methodology, ed. J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy (« DREI » series
Liturgiam aestimare 1), St Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough  2008, 1-15.

62 [A54]  Article: J.G. Leachman, – D.P. McCarthy, “Preparation for the Piazza: The Preface of the Second Scrutiny (the Fourth Sunday in Lent): the mystagogical formation of the neophytes and the assembly”, Studia  Liturgica 38 (2008), 114-133.

61 [A53]  Article: J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy, “The formation of the ecclesial person through baptismal preparation and the celebrations in the OICA: the Collects for the Scrutinies”, in The Liturgical Subject: Subject, subjectivity, and the human person in contemporary liturgical discussion and critique, ed. J.G. Leachman, (Faith in Reason: Philosophical Enquiries 7), SCM Press, London 2008, 172-200.

60 [A52] Article, « The Easter Vigil Collect », for the Colloquium: Appreciating the Collect, Rome May 31st 2008, in Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology, ed. J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy, [« DREI » series Liturgiam aestimare 1], St Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough  2008, 105-134.

59 [A51] Article, « The History of Collect Studies », for the Colloquium: Appreciating the Collect, Rome, May 31st 2008, in Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology, ed. J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy, [« DREI » series Liturgiam aestimare 1], St Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough  2008,  1-15.

58 [A50] J.G. Leachman, – D.P. McCarthy, “Preparation for the Piazza: The Preface of the Second Scrutiny (the Fourth Sunday in Lent): the mystagogical formation of the neophytes and the
assembly”, Societas Liturgica Conference, August 12th 2007, Studia Liturgica 38 (2008), 114-133.

57 [A49]  J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy, “The formation of the ecclesial person through baptismal preparation and the celebrations in the OICA: the Collects for the Scrutinies”, in The Liturgical Subject: Subject, subjectivity, and the human person in contemporary liturgical discussion and critique”. [Faith in Reason series 7] ed. James Leachman, SCM-Notre Dame UP, London-Notre Dame IN 2008, 172-200.

Articles minoris momenti
[A     ] Article: “Letting go to love the better: the Lenten Scrutinies,” The Tablet 9 February 2008, 16.
[A     ] Article: “A time to be born: the Easter Vigil,” The Tablet, 15 March 2008, 19. (1000091)
[A     ] Article: “Water for ‘new plants’: Mystagogy” The Tablet, 5 April 2008, 17. (1000094)
[A     ] Article: “Through a glass clearly”, The Tablet, 31 May 2008, 15. (1000102)
[A     ] Article: “St Ephrem the Syrian”, The Tablet, 7 June 2008. (1000103)


56 [A48] Article: «The New Family of Common Worship Liturgical Books of the Church of England (3): The role of the Holy Spirit in the Current Rites of Adult Initiation», Sede: Conferenza della Society for Liturgical Study, città: Mirfield, GB. data: agosto 2004. Ecclesia Orans 24 (2007) 307-333.

55 [A47] Paper/Article: «The transforming power of the Holy Spirit in the period of Enlightenment and Purification in RCIA,» alla conferenza di Societas Liturgica, “Worship as Transformation: To Heal a Broken World.” Dresden, Germany. August 2005. Studia Liturgica 37 2007,185-200.

minoris momenti: Article: “The Art of Celebrating” The Tablet, 21 July 2007, 18.minoris momenti: Article: “Knocking at the Door: Advent and the Catechumenate” The Tablet, 1 December 2007, 18.


54 [A46]  Article: «The St Thomas More Centre for Pastoral Liturgy (1969-1995): A Short History, » Benedictine Culture 1 (2006) 12-14.

53 [A45]  Article: «The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Catechumenal Preparation for Baptism in OICA, » in Spiritus spiritalia nobis dona potenter infundit, (Studia Anselmiana 139), Roma: Centro Studi Sant’Anselmo 2006, 277-292.

minoris momenti: Article: «Light in the darkness: the Role of Popular Piety, » The Tablet 4 March, 2006, 20.


52 [A44] Article: « Eucharistic Worship and Texts as Sources for Theological Reflection», East Asian Pastoral Review 42 (2005) 230-248.


51 [A43] Article, “The Origin, Place and Purpose of the Litany of the Saints in the Baptismal Liturgy of the Easter Vigil”,  Studia Liturgica 34 – 2004/2, 205-215.

50 [A42] Article: «The New Family of  “Common Worship” liturgical books of the Church of England (2): An introduction to the Initiation Services and their theology». Ecclesia Orans 21 – 2004/1 67-97.


49 [A41] Article: «The new family of “Common Worship” liturgical books of the Church of England. (1) An Introduction to the Books and their Eucharistic Theology. Ecclesia Orans XX – 2003/1 37-61.


43-48 [A35-40] 6 Short articles: «Liturgy and Catechesis.» Ealing Abbey Magazine, London. 1998

42 [A34] Article: “Theologies and Practice of Eucharistic Concelebration in Monastic Communities”. for the E.B.C. Liturgical Theology Group.

41 [A33] Article: “Chants in the Eastern Liturgies.” Westminster Worship 8/1 2000 8-9.

40 [A32] Article: “The Monastic Contribution to Evangelization,” Catholic Gazette April 1998. 11-13

39 [A31] Article: “Christian Initiation of Children” A Report on the National Liturgy Seminar held at Sarum College, Salisbury. June 2-4 1998: Westminster Worship 6/2 1998. 13-15


38 [A30] Article: “Eastern Catholic Churches in the Archdiocese of Westminster V: The Indian Churches of Kerala.” Westminster Worship 5/3 1997.

37 [A29] Article: “Eastern Catholic Churches in the Archdiocese of Westminster IV:  The Coptic, Armenian and Syrian Churches.” Westminster Worship 5/2 1997, 24-25.

36 [A28] Article: “Eastern Catholic Churches in the Archdiocese of Westminster III: The Chaldean Church.” Westminster Worship 5/1 1997


35 [A27] Article: “Eastern Catholic Churches in  the Archdiocese of Westminster II: The Byzantine and Melkite Churches.” Westminster Worship 4/2 1996 11-12

34 [A26] Article: “Eastern Catholic Churches in the Archdiocese of Westminster I: General Introduction and the Maronite Church.” Westminster Worship 4/1 1996 13-14


33 [A25] Article: “The Renewal of the Liturgy through Liturgical Catechesis.” Paper for the EBC Liturgical Theology Group.


32 [A24]  tr. “The Origin of the Western Liturgies.”


31 [A23] Article: ‘Liturgy and Re-Union, “The Book of Divine Worship”, Elements of the Book of Common Prayer Revised and Adapted According to the Roman Rite for Interim Use by Catholics coming from the Anglican Tradition.’ in Liturgy (publication of Liturgy Office of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales) London 1992.

30 [A22] Article: “A Bibliography of Dom Gregory Dix’s Printed Works”, Ephemerides Liturgicae (Rome  CLV, 1992) 275-281

29 [A21]  Thesis: S.L.L. (Sacrae Liturgiae Licenciatum.) Dom Gregory Dix (1901-1952)An Introduction to his Liturgical Writings on Christian Initiation. Pont. Istituto Liturgico, Rome. 1991

28 [A20]  Paper: What are the Characteristics of English Benedictine Congregation’s Liturgy?  for the English Benedictine Congregation Liturgical Theology Group.


27 [A19] Booklet: Monastic Discernment Catholic League Pamphlet, (London 1990)


26 [A18] Thesis: Master of Theology: John Cassian’s Teaching on Discernment in the Conferences, Heythrop College, L.U., (1989).


25 [A17]  Thesis: Post-Graduate Diploma in Pastoral Theology: City Monasticism, Retrieving and Adapting a Tradition, Heythrop College, L.U., (1988).


24 [A16] Article: “Ecumenical Progress”  Nashdom Abbey Record  58, 23-26.


23 [A15] Article: “Discerning the Lord’s Body, the Tradition of Monastic Discernment.” Nashdom Abbey Record 56, 8-12.


22 [A14] Article: “The Concept of Rule in the Life and Renewal of the Church:” The Messenger of the Catholic League 216 (London 1982) 17-20.

21 [A13] Article: “The Theology of God and Man for Vauxhall.” Encounter and Exchange

33 (Journal of Anglican Religious Communities) 3-10.

20 [A12] Article: “The Spirit of our Times: Frontiers in Britain Today.” Fiat 1 (CSMV Review, Wantage, Oxon.) 21-30.

Editor: The Urban Monastery and the Urban Church: A Response to papers on the Vauxhall Project, Rodney Bomford, Vicar of St Giles Camberwell (Vauxhall Paper 11), Nashdom Abbey, Slough 1982.

18 [A11] Booklet: Monasticism and the Inner City. Vauxhall Paper No. 12, Nashdom Abbey, (Slough 1982)

17 [A10] Article: “Monastic Ventures in Britain Today.” Nashdom Abbey Record 55, (1982) 16-22.

16 [A9] “The Concept of Rule in the Life and Renewal of the Church Today”, The Messenger of  the Catholic League 216 (1982) 17-20.


15 [A8] “The Letter Kills, the Spirit gives Life,” Nashdom Abbey Record 54 (1981) 16-17.

14 [A7] Thomas Merton and the Church of England (Vauxhall Paper 10), Nashdom Abbey, Slough 1981.

13 [A6]  with Dom Wilfrid Weston, The Vauxhall Project Report: Monastic Life and Liturgy in the City (Vauxhall Paper 8), Nashdom Abbey, Slough 1981.

12 [A5] Politics, Society and St Benedict (Vauxhall Paper 7), Nashdom Abbey, Slough 1981.

11 [A4] Thomas Merton, Contemporary Prophet (Vauxhall Paper 5), Nashdom Abbey, Slough 1981.

Editor: A Religious Community in the Inner City, The Society of St Margaret, Haggerston (Vauxhall Paper 6), Nashdom Abbey, Slough 1981.

Editor: The Rule of St Benedict as an Inspiration for Priestly Life, Dom Wilfrid Weston (Vauxhall Paper 9), Nashdom Abbey, Slough 1981.

10 [A3] “Rite and Reunion”, The Messenger of the Catholic League 214 (1981) 14-17.

1980-1982  Series co-editor with Dom Wilfrid Weston: Vauxhall Papers, Nashdom Abbey

Editor: The Monastic Revival in the Church of England, Dom Wilfrid Weston (Vauxhall Paper 1), Nashdom Abbey, Slough 1981.

Editor: The Future of Monasticism, Dom Wilfrid Weston (Vauxhall Paper 2), Nashdom Abbey, Slough 1981.

Editor: Benedictine Monasticism Today, Dom Wilfrid Weston (Vauxhall Paper 3), Nashdom Abbey, Slough 1981.

Editor: The Prophetic Dimension of Monastic Life, Dom Wilfrid Weston (Vauxhall Paper 4), Nashdom Abbey, Slough 1981; reprinted in ContemporaryMonasticism, (Fairacres Publication 80), SLG Press, Oxford 1981.


9 [A2] Article: “A Benedictine Foundation,” The Messenger of the Catholic League 211 (London 1980) 3-10. re- published separately as Benedictines and the Church of England, Nashdom Abbey Pamphlet, (Slough 1980).


8 [A1] “The Holy Spirit in the Rule of St. Benedict”, Nashdom Abbey Record 51 (Slough 1978)