“Grow for ever” – in continuing to live and grow from the beginning to the end of our days we are challenged to face the issues of ‘Maturation and Individuation’. I am a student again, this time of Process Oriented Psychology, a daughter of Jungian Psychology that places the process of individuation at the centre of our life.
In addition, on these pages, we provide the following ‘Environment – our concern‘ information that is intended to help provide what every person and organism needs to live well and grow well.
Living and growing
The photo I have inserted for the widget is of Fr Dunstan Watkins a monk of Ealing Abbey in August 2012. Fr Dunstan was my novice master over twenty years ago and his last words to me before I left for Rome this semester were “James, whatever you do, do it thoroughly”. At only 92 years young, and though now quite frail, he was always a fine example of what good environment, good relationships, good food, good living, good responses to new challenges have produced in him, and how all these dimensions of living are indispensable to us as Christians and monks, indeed to every other living thing too, if we are to continue to live and grow well – even for ever.
© James Leachman, O.S.B., 11 March 2021