June 2017 – May 2018
Prrocesswork Intensive: October 2017
holiday month
Institutum Liturgicum 2017-18
JULY 2017
Institutum Liturgicum 2017-18
June 2015 – May 2016
MAY 2016
9, 10: Meet with Project Manager
APRIL 2016
15: Soup group
8: appointment meeting for Project manager
MARCH 2016
4: 52nd Anniversary of the promulgation of Sacrosanctum Concilium
Thinking and planning for Institutum Liturgicum 2016-17
August : Institutum Liturgicum, Summer Liturgy Programme, Block 3
August : Societas Liturgica:
Case Study:
Ealing Abbey community retreat
July: Institutum Liturgicum, Summer Liturgy Programme, Block 2
July: Institutum Liturgicum, Summer Liturgy Programme, Block 1
June 2013 – May 2014
APRIL 2013
MARCH 2013:
8-10: North American Academy of Liturgy, Albuquerque, NM
7: Catholic Academy of Liturgy, Albuquerque, NM
28: Fly to USA
4: 59th Anniversary of the promulgation of Sacrosanctum Concilium
30: return to London
9: classes begin at Sant Anselmo
8: classes begin at Pontifical College, Beda
4: fly to Rome
10-12: Mater Ecclesiae Convent, Street Ashton, Warwickshire
8: 5th Appreciating the Liturgy Colloquium
1-5: Second Pluscarden Seminar at Pluscarden Abbey
AUGUST 2012:
28-30: Society for Liturgical Study at Mirfield
6-21: Institutum Liturgicum, Summer Liturgy Programme, Block 3
Ealing Abbey community retreat
16-31: Institutum Liturgicum Summer Liturgy Programme, Block 2
2 -14 July: Institutum Liturgicum Summer Liturgy Programme, Block 1
JUNE 2012:
19: return to London
July 2011 – June 2012
6: return to London
4: 58th Anniversary of the promulgation of Sacrosanctum Concilium
6: return to Rome
AUGUST 2011:
16 Aug -1 Sept: Institutum Liturgicum, Summer Liturgy Programme, Block 2
Ealing Abbey community retreat
8-13 August: Societas Liturgica, Reims:
9 August: Case Study: “The Recovery and reintroduction of Holy Week liturgies in the Church of England”, Societas Liturgica, subsequently published in Ecclesia Orans
JULY 2011:
13-28: Institutum Liturgicum Summer Liturgy Programme, Block 1
12: Inauguration of Institutum Liturgicum
2: Liverpool Archdiocese: Liturgy Committee
July 2010 – June 2011
JUNE 2011
18: Exams finished, return to London
MAY 2011
21-26: Meetings in London
6-8: International Liturgical Congress, Roma, organised by PIL
APRIL 2011
28: Fly to Rome
24: Easter Sunday
8: Fly to London: Easter break
MARCH 2011
28: Fly to Rome:
26: Inactive Catholics Conference, Westminster Cathedral Conference Centre
19: Abbot Philippe Dupont of Solesmes at Farnborough Abbey
17 February – 17 March: Fr James at Farnborough Abbey
2: Fr James will be back at Ealing Abbey today: PIL twixt semester break until 21 February
16: Fly to Rome: second part of semester 1
15: fly to London: Christmas break
4: 57th Anniversary of the promulgation of Sacrosanctum Concilium
13: Annual James Crichton Lecture: AGM Society of St Gregory, Ealing Abbey
“The Maturation of the Liturgical Movement in England and Wales”, at Ealing Abbey
12: classes begin at Sant Anselmo
11: classes begin at Pontifical College, Beda
10: fly to Rome
25: AL “Four Churches Study Day: Lincoln Cathedral Centre
24: AL workshop at Lincoln School of Theology, Lincoln
We announced a research unit of the Institutum Liturgicum on 24 September 2010. Approval from University of Leuven for courses assured and, awaiting two approvals by the council of the abbot of Ealing and the bishops of England and Wales, we plan to begin a teaching programme in July 2011.
16-19: Holy Father in England
06-10: AL Research seminar, Pluscarden Abbey
AUGUST: at Ealing Abbey
09-13, 16-20: Academia Latinitatis Aestiva Benedictine Study And Arts Centre,
23-27: Ealing Abbey community retreat
JULY: at Ealing Abbey
01: Thursday
JUNE 17: London
MARCH 2010:
26: visit to prof Lieven Boeve, Dean of theology, and profs Pollefeyt and Geldhof, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
17: Funeral of my mother, Margaret Leachman in Lincoln
5: Death of my mother, Margaret Leachman in Lincoln
13: Presentation “The Easter Vigil” to the Archdiocese of Liverpool liturgists and catechists
6-20: in UK
12: Classes begin
8-10: North American Academy of Liturgy, Milwaukee, WI
7: Catholic Academy of Liturgy, Milwaukee, WI
6: Project, Appreciating the Liturgy: 3rd Colloquium, Milwaukee, WI
17: Fly to USA
4: 56th Anniversary of the promulgation of Sacrosanctum Concilium
Oct 14: Classes begin
Oct 4: Fly to Rome and Sant’Anselmo
24: pilgrimage to Sempringham, Lincolnshire
12: 3rd Appreciating the Liturgy study day at St Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough:
Paper: « A Time to be Born »
11: 3rd Appreciating the Liturgy colloquium at St Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough:
Paper: « A new Liturgical Hermeneutic: Human maturation in faith »
30: Appreciating the Liturgy garden party
24-28: « 4th Schola latiniatais aestiva » Teaching with D. P. McCarthy,
Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing Abbey.
10-14: Pluscarden Abbey, Scotland
July 28-August 4, Norwich and Lincoln.
25: St James the Great garden party
4: BSAC Summer party
2: Go to Ealing Abbey
July 2008 – June 2009
12 Classes begin
NOVEMBER 1: Publication: “Subject and Subjectivity” SCM Press
“Appreciating the Collect” St Michael’s Abbey Press
Oct 14 Classes begin
OCTOBER 4: Fly to Sant’Anselmo
SEPTEMBER 11: Paper: « A new Liturgical Hermeneutic: human maturation in faith », Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain, Annual Conference, “Vatican II and the Church to Come”, Ushaw College.
26-29 August, 1-5 September: « 3rd Latin Summer School » Adjunct teaching with D. P. McCarthy, Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing Abbey,
August 23: Paper: « The Collect of the Easter Vigil: a grammatical and hermeneutical Analysis », given at the first “Appreciating the Liturgy. Ealing Study Day”, Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, data: 2008.
19: Fly to Ealing Abbey
July 2007 – June 2008
December 19 to January 8 Visiting St Benedict’s Abbey Atchison KA, Conception Abbey, MO, St John’s Abbey and St Benedict’s Abbey MN
September 2007 2nd Summer Latin School, Ealing Abbey
August 2007 Società Liturgica Conference, Palermo. 6-9 August
July 2006 – June 2007
August 2006
July 2005 – June 2006
2005, 9-13 August Dresden, Societas Liturgica
2005, ottobre- febbraio 2006:
corso ‘Spiritualità Liturgica’.
città: Roma, sede: PIL
Level L: / Livello accademico L. Semestre I
2005, ottobre- febbraio 2006:
seminario ‘Catechesi liturgica’.
città: Roma, sede: PIL
Level L: / Livello accademico L. Semestre I
2005, ottobre- febbraio 2006:
corso ‘The rites and celebration of RCIA as a source of
liturgical theory and practice’.
città: Roma, sede: Collegio Beda
Level 2: / Livello accademico 2. Semestre I
July 2004- June 2005
2005, febbraio-maggio 2005:
corso 94132:
‘Eucaristia e chiesa: il movimento ecumenico nel sec. XX.
città: Roma, sede: PIL
Level: License/ Livello accademico: Licenza. Semestre II
2004, febbraio- maggio 2005:
seminario 94421
‘Ordinazioni e ministeri nei testi patristici’.
città: Roma, sede: PIL,
Level: License/ livello accademico Licenza. Semestre II
2004, ottobre- febbraio 2005:
corso 94143
‘Anglicanesimo e la chiesa cattolica: continuità e
cambiamento’. città: Roma, sede: PIL
Level: License/ Livello accademico: Licenza. Semestre
2004, ottobre- febbraio 2005
seminario 95568
‘Dal Messale Medioevale alla liturgia Anglicana odierna’.
città: Roma, sede: PIL,
Level: License/ livello accademico Licenza. Semestre I
2004, febbraio- maggio 2005:
corso ‘Introduction to Christian Liturgy’.
città: Roma, sede: Collegio Beda
Level 1: / Livello accademico 1. Semestre II
2004, ottobre- febbraio 2005:
corso ‘The rites and celebration of RCIA as a source of
liturgical theory and practice’.
città: Roma, sede: Collegio Beda
Level 2: / Livello accademico 2. Semestre I
2004, ottobre- febbraio 2005:
corso ‘Fundamentals of Christian Liturgy’.
città: Roma, sede: Regina Mundi
Level 1: / Livello accademico 1. Semestre I
2004 25 September.
Day for Parish Liturgists, “Introduction to the Liturgical Assembly“.
città: Londra, sede: Benedictine Study and Arts Centre,
Ealing Abbey. 45 min session on ‘Sacraments and Symbol’
2004 17/18 September.
Landings Workshop,
città: Londra, sede: Ealing Abbey Parish Centre.
2004 Tues 24- Thurs 26 August.
paper and participation: Society of Liturgical Studies Conference,
città: Mirfield, sede: College of the Resurrection.
2004 Mon 12- Sat 17 July.
1 Week course Pastoral Liturgy,
città: Manila, sede: East Asia Pastoral Institute.
July 2003- June 2004
2004, febbraio-aprile:
Corso 94121 ‘Liturgia ed Ecumenismo’.
città: Roma, sede: PIL. Level: License/
Livello Academico: Licenza. II Semester.
2004, febbraio- maggio:
Seminario 94436
‘Precursori del Concilio Vaticano Secondo’.
Level: License /Livello Academico: Licenza.
II Semester.
2004, febbraio- maggio:
Course: 1st Year Liturgy Course for Students. città: Roma,
sede: Beda College: II Semester.
2003, ottobre- febbraio 2004:
Seminario 94428 ‘Liturgia e Catechesi’. Sede: PIL
Level: License /Livello Academico: Licenza. I Semester.
2003,ottobre- febbraio 2004:
Course: 2nd Year Liturgy Course for Students.
Beda College: I Semester.
2003 3-5 September.
Participation: National RCIA Network Conference, Hinsley Hall,
2003, 12 August:
Case Study: “The Origin, Purpose and Place of the Litany of the
Saints in the Baptismal Liturgy of the Easter Vigil”.
Societas Liturgica, Eindhoven, NL.
July 2002- June 2003
2003, 27- 28 June:
Presentazione/ Training: «UK & Irish Landings Training (Ministro ai
cattolici non-praticanti) for Catechists & Priests»,
con Mrs. Joan Horn,
Coordinatrice Landings nel USA, at Ealing Abbey.
2003, 13 marzo:
Relazione « Tradition and Worship: Re-establishing the Fellowship
of St Gregory and St Augustine,» parte della conferenza
«Tradition and Worship,» Centro Anglicano, Roma.
città: Roma, sede: Sant’Anselmo.
2003, 27 febbraio:
Lecture/Relazione su «Liturgia ed Ecumenismo: aspetti liturgici,
problemi in discussione, sviluppi e disposizioni attuali,»
per il Vicariato di Roma, Ufficio liturgico.
2003, 13 febbraio:
Course: ‘Liturgical Presiding: Liturgy in its Hierarchical, Missionary,
Pastoral and Catechetical Dimensions: RCIA’.
città: Roma, sede: collegio Beda. Level 2, II Semester.
2003, 12 febbraio- maggio
Seminario 94428:
‘Liturgia e Catechesi’. Level: License/ Livello academico:
Licenza. II Semester.
2003, 11 febbraio -maggio:
Corso opzionale 94132 ‘Eucaristia e Chiesa’.
città: Roma, sede: PIL, Level: License /
Livello academico: la Licenza. II Semestre.
2002 ottobre- febbraio:
Corso 94017 ‘Storia della liturgia secondo le epoche culturali’.
Level: License /Livello Academico: la
Licenza. I Semester.
2002 ottobre- febbraio:
Course ‘Liturgy in its Hierarchical, Missionary, Pastoral and Catechetical Dimensions’.
città: Roma, sede: collegio Beda. Level 2, I Semester.
2002 4-6 Sept.
Participation: National RCIA Network Conference, Hinsley Hall,
2002 31 August, 14 & 21 September
Corso: Understanding Catechesis. Level 1. Città: Londra,
sede: Benedictine Study & Arts Centre, Ealing, I semestre
2002 27 July
Presentation for Westminster Diocese at Ealing Abbey on Novo Millennio Ineunte
2002 9 July
Lecture at Canterbury Cathedral to ‘Benedictine Experience’ on: Church, Liturgy and
Catechesis in the Third Millennium.
2002, aprile- maggio
Corso 94121 ‘Liturgia ed Ecumenismo’.
città: Roma, sede PIL, Level: License /
Livello Accademico: Licenza. II Semester.
Past Activities July 2001- June 2002
2001, settembre – novembre
Corso: Methodology of Catechesis.
Città: Londra, sede: Benedictine
Benedictine Study & Arts Centre, Ealing Abbey, I semestre
© James Leachman, O.S.B., updated 22 February 2018