Dom James is a retired professor from the end of 2014-15
PIL (Pontifical Institute of Liturgy)
D. James Leachman’s past teaching at PIL included
Corso obbligatorio: Obligatory course:
Semester 1 95036 Spiritualità liturgica: Liturgical spirituality,
Corsi opzionali: Optional courses:
Semester 2 (2013-14) 94143 Liturgia anglicana: Anglican Liturgy
Semester 2 (2014-15 ) 94121 Liturgia ed ecumenismo: Liturgy and Ecumenism
Semester 1 (2013-14) 94174 The Latin Language of the Prefaces (in English)
Semester 2 (2013-14) 94170 The Latin Language of the Collects (in English)
Seminari: Seminars: taught at PIL
RCIA and its Spirituality
The Sarum Missal and the BCP
Founders of the Liturgical Movement
Lingue: Languages: taught by private arrangement, not for credit
Syriac (taught in English)
2nd experience
1st experience
Latin (taught in English)
4th experience
3rd experience
2nd experience
1st experience
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