Ealing Abbey, its grounds and the garden of of Overton House, are in the Ealing Borough’s conservation area and so we try to cultivate the gardens appropriately, by trying to make them interesting for visitors and friendly to wildlife. It would be great to start a gardening club so that more people can enjoy the contact with mother earth, fresh air, the rhythm of seasons and fresh herbs, salads and vegetables.
The garden of Overton House is cared for by Mee Kuon Cheong, Esme Boyd and Fr James. Recently we have been joined by Kamala Singh, Rafid Zarra and Chris Makin. We do our gardening on organic principles.
For example, the garden is frog-friendly and butterfly-friendly, with several small areas of water and damp spots, compost heaps for the wild beasts: and no insecticides are used.
Herbs: 2015:
During this year we worked on the herb collection that was replenished and re-organized into different sections. There is also a potager garden which is an old-fashioned type of vegetable garden behind the study centre.
Salads: 2015:
During this coming growing season it was great growing salads; lettuce, rocket, tomatoes
Beans: 2015:
And the runner beans were great.
Someone donated a polytunnel for growing salads during the colder months.
Capital Growth Mee Kuon Cheung suggested we join Capital Growth, a London charity for community gardens. And since 16 November 2015 we are member no. 2471
There are lots of reasons why we might think it important to become more independent of fast food producers and to live more independently.